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Freitag, 10. Mai 2019
35- there's a flower
paelsa, 00:54h
there's a flower
growing out of my heart, one which is soaked in all the colors there's spring right in my soul, one which is loud and beautiful there's a field of flowers in my head, it tells me to just, let myself fall right into it there're bees flying up and down in my stomach all the time and there's the sun, touching my face with its sunbeams, keeping me gigging april'19 ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 34- feeling lost
paelsa, 00:50h
feeling lost
like in an ocean an ocean full of emotions and otherwise there's nothing swimming, close to drowning being helpless, searching around for something to hold onto, just to get out of that endless ocean I am lost in myself, feel like I am drowning, in myself looking for a hand to hold, for my own only I can get myself out of here into a nicer place a place where I know who I am a place where I know what I want in life march'19 ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 33- won't forget
paelsa, 00:45h
I always held you close
close to my heart and I wrapped my arms around you I loved you with all the love I had I loved you so much that it hurt I appreciated you in a way, which is hard to explain and so I appreciated every moment that I spent with you and I imagined so many times that this could be the last wonderful moment and appreciated it many times more I really wanted to make all these wonderful moments to last forever and they will, in my memories I won't forget I won't forget any of them I won't forget how the love felt I won't forget you march'19 ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 32- I miss you
paelsa, 00:39h
I miss you
even though I don't really know you that good, but still, I miss you I miss your smell, your warming heat, I miss your nearness, your kind smile and I miss your laugh, I miss being being close to you, to lay inside of your arms, I miss feeling safe in your hands I miss talking to you and to be on the same wavelength I miss looking into your eyes, I just miss you Almost every single minute… could this be wrong? ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 31- a loss
paelsa, 00:34h
it's a loss of lifetime,
to figure out who others want you to be jan'19 ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 30- home
paelsa, 00:32h
your hand was touching mine
and so your heart was and I felt like it was our destiny and I felt save and finally home a whole new home, inside of your arms ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 29- don't you think
paelsa, 00:31h
mostly it starts small,
until it got so big, that you aren't able to hide it from yourself what could you think of probably there was something coming up into your mind, while you read the lines above whatever you thought of, don't you think that it's finally time, to be true to yourself don't you think, that it's finally time, to stop lying to yourself whatever you thought of, don't you think, that it's finally time to let all of this go don't you think that you deserve just simply the truth and nothing else whatever you thought of, stop reaching for it, rather start to reach for new horizons ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 28- tell me
paelsa, 00:26h
feeling lost is
nothing new to me it's like an old friend who comes up, once in a while just tell me, that I am not, just not lost again just tell me, that I am safe here inside of your arms just tell me, that you'll hold me just tell me, that you'll be here just tell me, that you'll stay, tell me that you won't fade away like a shadow ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 27- whenever
paelsa, 00:21h
whenever I think of
making memories, my thoughts lead me somewhere whenever I think of sharing all I got, my thoughts lead me somewhere whenever I think of being the best version of myself, my thoughts lead me somewhere whenever I think of catching all of the stars, my thoughts lead me somewhere whenever I think of setteling down, my thoughts lead me somewhere whenever I think of that somewhere I think my heart is simply thinking of you ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 26- moon
paelsa, 00:17h
you said you love me,
you said you love me, to the moon and back but it seems like 769000 kilometers weren't enough to keep me, they weren't enough to let you keep my heart in your hands the moon is far away and so your love felt jan'19 ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 25- u taught me
paelsa, 00:15h
through you I learned,
there's a lot I learned you taught me love and how to love you showed me how it feels to be loved and you showed me how it feels to feel unloved you taught me new feelings I learned how to handle them, you taught me how to trust and how to not tear it in half you showed me how to let wings grow and how to use them, when you liftet me up, you let me fall deep and let my wings get broken you broke me and I learned to build myself up again you gave me pain, and I learned how to numb it you showed me all the things, which count you gave me a lesson in life jan'19 ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 24- nothing could
paelsa, 00:10h
a room so dark,
that no light could light it up and a bed so empty that no one could fill the space a night so cold, that no blanket could warm up and thoughts so loud, that nothing could make them quiet hands so dry, that nothing could make them look alive and a heart so broken, that no glue could stick it back together a soul so lost, that nothing could bring it back and a hope so strong, that nothing could ever kill it jan'19 ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 23- our tea
paelsa, 00:06h
it's the smell,
which remindes me and it's the taste, which does too smells after good things, with the unforgettable taste of you in it remindes me of the time, when we were sitting there together in the bathtub remindes me of the time, when we were holding them, the warm cups of tea remindes me of the time, when we made fun, with the bright white foam all around us two remindes me of the time, when we sat there silent, with thousand of feelings for each other now it seems like the tea got cold and almost empty, every new cup of tea keeps reminding me but still, it won't be the same cup of tea ever again jan'19 ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 22
paelsa, 23:56h
Sometimes there're so many things going on in our lifes,
that we forget to think about us, we just forget to think only one minute of ourselves and how we feel. Today I thought about my feelings, my life, everything. And I cried. Not because my life is a bad one.. but because of how I feel these days, actually the last few months. I was so busy by getting my school life together, that I stopped thinking about me. Sure, school for example is something, I do for myself, to become a well educated young person, but.. what about all the other things? I really feel like I'm a no one. I'm asking myself what's special about me, what's something I am actually good at? Maybe better than others.. What do people think of, when they think of me? I guess most people just think that I'm friendly and stuff. I mean, I am friendly and kind, I would say.. but that can't just be everything. What am I supposed to see in myself, if no one else is seeing something in me? I wanna be someone who people want to be with too, as much as I want to be with them. I feel like I am seeing things in others, who don't even think about what they value of those who are around them. I also wonder about what I did through the last 20 years. Feels like all I did was going to school and being a boring nerd. I feel lost, as if I'm drowning in my own life.. just because I have the feeling to not know who I actually am. I mean who am I? I really don't know.. ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment ... older stories
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38- Selbstliebe
Warum ist es manchmal so schwer sich selbst zu lieben? Sich... by paelsa (2020.04.27, 18:01) 37- Erkenntnis
Ich glaube ich habe mich selbst durchschaut, in einem... by paelsa (2020.04.19, 16:37) 35- there's a flower
there's a flower growing out of my heart, one which... by paelsa (2019.05.10, 00:54) 34- feeling lost
feeling lost like in an ocean an ocean full of emotions and... by paelsa (2019.05.10, 00:51) |